VLOG #3: Laura Ikeji’s Book Signing Event

Hi beauties,

This is not a regular post and i think this is the first time id be doing a vlog post on my blog. yippie!! Thanks for stopping by.

So on the 18th of March ,2018, i attended the Laura Ikeji’s book signing. I set my alarm so my village people wont mess up my plans because i can be so forgetful sometimes. I woke up Sunday morning, and started getting ready for the event which was slated for 2pm. And Laura posted on her IG page that she was going to be giving out only 100 copies for free so as a sharp girl who loves awoof, I got there by 12.

After several going and down, i made a new friend, Bella. We all waited patiently till around past 3 when she finally came. Oh, I forgot to add that i was the 49th person on the list. The guy calling out names, decided to stop following the list when he got to the 45th person, and started picking people at random saying ‘they were people on his project’ i was so mad. like WTF.

I didnt get the book but i took pictures šŸ˜›

What annoyed me the most was that i didnt get the book because i really looked forward to getting my hands on one. After the event, as the man decided for some disturbing reason to throw the remaining 5 copies at the crowd, you could expect that everyone rushed for a copy, there was a stampede and i was the bottom.

I got my ankle sprained, phone screen cracked and scrached on my arm from the stampede. And oh, someone’s wig fell off. it was funny.

Anyways, Laura was nice enough to even comment on my comment on her post on IG and asked me to call the gang so they could send me a copy. I have called and called and i most likely not even gonna get the said copy but it was sweet of her to even try to .

Anyways, watch the video below


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